Kaloyan Ivanov

Работна оферта - спасител за САЩ
Автор на публикация за студентски бригади в САЩ
Written by Work Abroad LLC


My name is Kaloyan Ivanov. I live in Varna. I am a student at Varna Free University. My major field of study is Law. I spent in Virginia USA my last two summers.It was one of the most interesting experiences in my whole life, I met new people, I visited wonderful places. These trips have completely changed my point of view and my  life. I would recommend to anyone who has the opportunity to be part of “Work and Treavel” to do it. All these pleasant experiences I owe to Work Abroad LLC agency.

I  worked as lifeguard two summers.The  job was more than pleasant. I   spent my free time  visiting ,sights, sporting  and cultural events.

My trips after the season – Cruise to Mexico and Cayman Islands – the most exotic and amazing places I’ve ever seen – swimming with the stingray and  diving in one of the most beautiful bays. I went to Chicago and back to Bulgaria. My first summer passed like a breath and I look forward for the next ones.

If you have any questions – contact me:

Skype: kaloqnivanov
Телефон: 0883339901