The first 2014 J1 visas now in the hands of Work Abroad LLC participants. Congratulations!

Работа в Америка - Студентски бригади САЩ
Автор на публикация за студентски бригади в САЩ
Written by Work Abroad LLC

The first five bulgarian students approved for participation in the summer work and travel program recieved their passports and US visas today from Ambassador Marcie Ries.

Ambassador Ries stated that the program is an inspiration for the youth because it gives them the oportunity to get familiar with foreign countries and their cultures while working and financing their studentship in Bulgaria. During the event the general consul, Deborah Campbell, stated that more  than 7,000 bulgarian students have participated in the program during 2013 and that more than 80,000 students have visited USA with a work and travel program since their first appearance in Bulgaria.