Frequently asked questions
- What is the name of my employer? Smart Management Group LLC.
- Is the employer company owned by Bulgarians? No, but a major part of the staff is Bulgarian.
- Will I earn the invested money in this program? Yes, Smart Management Group LLC is guaranteeing you a number of hours per week and gross earnings for the entire season.
- What should I expect after I land in America? Greeting at the airport, accommodation, a refresher training course and orientation before you start work. Each candidate has a constant support.
- Since when have you been on the market of WAT ? Work Abroad LLC. is one of the first agencies in Bulgaria. It was established 2002. Since that we have found work in the United States for thousands of young people from Eastern Europe.
- Can any employee of Work Abroad LLC give information and advice from personal experience? Yes, all of our representatives are former or current employees of well established Work and Travel agencies.
- Which sponsor is Work Abroad LLC working with? GreenHeart Exchange.
- When do I need to leave for the states? The first groups will fly at the end of May.
- Am I going to live in a hospice? NO, the employer provides fully prepared and furnished apartments.
- Where will I work? You can choose from 4 states: Massachusetts, Virginia, Maryland, District of Columbia.
- Will you provide a plane ticket for me? Yes, you will buy it from our office.
- Can I work with friends with whom I signed up? Yes, most of our pools are multi-guard.