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Топ 25 на най-популярните дестинации в Америка
Милиони потребители на туристическия портал TripAdvisor класираха най-желаните дестинации в САЩ, които биха желали да посетят...
Are you ready for a summer internship in USA?
Are you ready for a summer internship in USA? If you or someone you know is interested in the Summer Work and Travel (SWT) Program, please be aware that the visa appointments for the 2015 season begin on February 2nd. The...
Знаете ли, че…
През 1776 г. в Съединените американски щати са живеели 2,5 милиона души. Днес те са 314 милиона. Един от всеки осем американеца в...
Мартин Лутър Кинг
Всеки трети понеделник на месец януари американците празнуват Деня на Мартин Лутър Кинг-младши в САЩ. Този ден е обявен за...
Lifeguard Training - Plovdiv
Work Abroad LLC is organizing lifeguard courses! You are welcome this: January /30,31/ and February /01,02/ in Sofia Sign-up telephone : +359 884 873 555 More information on courses in Sofia in Varna can be found...
Lifeguard Training - Sofia,Varna
Work Abroad LLC is organizing lifeguard training! You are welcome this: January /16,17,18,19/ in Sofia Sign-up telephone : +359 889 437 111 and January /23,24,25,26/ in Varna Sign-up telephone: +359 889 494 055 Information...
It's Party Time
It’s time for the traditional Work Abroad LLC Christmas party! Once again this event will be properly celebrated! The Place – “Час Пик” Free Entrance – only for Work Abroad LLC people...
Black Friday Sale
Black Friday? The day’s name originated in Philadelphia, where it originally was used to describe the heavy and disruptive pedestrian and vehicle traffic that would occur on the day after Thanksgiving. Use of the term...
My Work Abroad Summer
The Work Abroad LLC team announced the winner in the ‘’My Work Abroad Summer’’ initiative! The price (MULTIMEDIA TABLET PHILIPS) goes to Damian Mirchev. Congratulations! See the video filled with many USA summer emotions!